Minecraft Survival

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Minecraft is known as a game about building and crafting. It’s even encrypted in its name. But if you’re more into action than idle construction and if you enjoy a good deal of a challenge, you will surely be thrilled to try Minecraft Survival mode. It’s different from the rest of the gameplay because here you will constantly be in danger and will have to try even harder not only to thrive, but just to survive.

It starts as usual. You discover yourself at a random spot on the map and have to start taking care of your existence from the very first minutes. Before the night falls, you already need to build some kind of a shelter where you’ll be at least semi-safe from all the creepy beings that crawl out after the sunset. It shouldn’t be too sophisticated at first – even a mere hole in the ground with some sort of a roof and a ladder will do. But even for such a simple project, you need to gather the necessary amount of resources first. And that’s what you are going to do for the whole day.

Survival mode is also different in the sense that you need to eat and sleep in order to stay alive. If that doesn’t happen, your parameters will keep running low and your character may eventually die. So it makes sense to provide yourself with a steady source of food, be it a garden or even a pair of sheep you will breed. The more comfortable your bed is the faster it restores your energy level, so don’t be skimpy on materials when making it.

The most valuable and rare resources won’t be available for obtaining in the nearby area though. You’ll have to travel far and wide to get them. And the further you roam the more unbelievable creatures you are going to meet and the more precious materials you are going to discover. That also includes descending into the Underworld where you can fight a whole army of skeletons and zombies, as well as some powerful bosses.

As you increase your level and expand your assortment of resources and recipes, you’ll be able to build ever more grandiose structures and equip your hero with ever more efficient weapons and armor. That will greatly improve your chances in upcoming battles. You can also brew potions and use spells – the game is not without a drop of magic. But of course it’s up to you to choose a preferable weapon and fighting style when playing Minecraft Survival. Discover all the thrills of this mode, see if you are tough enough to get through all the trials and simply have fun!

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