Minecraft Dungeons

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If you take a classic Minecraft setting and add the mechanics from Diablo, you’ll get Minecraft Dungeons. The similarities include isometric perspective, the ability to play in co-op for up to 4 players, partly randomly generated levels, dungeons, bosses, hundreds of enemies and leveling up. Further serious differences begin. For example, there are no character classes Choose one of the proposed appearance options, and the rest of the characters are interchangeable. Even if you are more likely to shoot a bow or, conversely, swing a sword, the playing styles are not fixed by anything other than your preferences. Accordingly, you can’t go wrong with the build and don’t be upset that your friend has a more interesting character in co-op.

The combat system is tied to the clamping of the “A” button for spamming with melee strikes, and the right trigger is responsible for firing. There is also a right bumper for rolls – this is the only maneuver. The rest of the buttons are tied to artifacts: some summon battle pets like a wolf or a llama, others give a temporary boost to movement or attack speed. In fact, it is a set of artifacts that define the style of play and form something like a class, so it is worth constantly experimenting with them. Start doing it right now, invite your friends to join you and have a great time roaming the pixel dungeons in this new amazing version of your favorite sandbox!

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