Minecraft 1.17

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Minecraft is surely one of the most regularly updated games in the web. And it’s no wonder since it gives such a great space for creativity and exploration. Players are longing for new content and features, and the developers are happy to introduce them. That’s the very thing that makes the gameplay so fresh and exciting with every new pack released. So what innovations are waiting for us In Minecraft 1.17?

The first thing that is worth mentioning is the changes in the landscape. There are now huge new caves, some parts of which are flooded and with many new plants. Here you can find light berries, blooming spores, unknown moss and new water lilies to walk on. Compared to previous versions, the caves are of a tremendous size, and several ones can even be interconnected. There are also those with mineral formations – stalagmites and stalactites that can fall on players and cause instant damage.

Biomes have also become diverse. Groundwater, steeper and higher mountains, and loose snow to fall into have been added to the game. New biomes spawn rare blocks – amethyst geodes, on which amethyst crystals grow. With the help of them it will be possible to craft a new item – a telescope. There you can also find copper ore. With its help, it is possible to craft new copper blocks and a lightning rod for the house (it will attract lightning and protect the building from destruction). The blocks will oxidize over time and take on a different greenish color.

There is an even more curious addition – archeology. With the help of a special brush, it is now possible to carry out archaeological excavations and find rare resources or artifacts. The new activity also allows for the discovery of ceramic shards that can be used to create decorative vases. Great news for those who enjoy decorating their pixel houses!

Minecraft 1.17 also includes a slew of new mobs. First of all, it’s a shining octopus chosen by players in an online poll. The Warden is a centaur-like mob that will react to sounds. Axolotl is a fish that can be tamed and then summoned for your protection. And finally, meet mountain goat who is capable of overcoming mountain obstacles and can be bred. This isn’t the final list of new things you can find in this version. But it’s much more exciting to discover the rest on your own as you explore this revamped world lying at your cubic feet! Start doing it right now!

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