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When dawn breaks, you realize that your stomach is empty, and there is not a crumb of food in your backpack or in the chests. You haven’t yet established your household, you still live by gathering and hunting. That’s a common beginning of Minecraft, and you can set out on this amazing journey across the famous pixel expanses right now!

Every time the map is generated randomly. For instance, the island where you spawned can be separated from another larger piece of land by a small strait. But if, having swum across it and surveyed the nearest surroundings, you will find out that everyone who is good for food was eaten long ago, an expedition into the interior of the island is ahead. Just be careful! Deeper in the forest you may come across a pack of wolves. Fortunately, the animals near your spawn point aren’t that strong, so getting rid of them must be relatively easy.

Of course, if I don’t find food, no catastrophe will happened. Moreover, after returning home, it is possible to simply lay out everything from the inventory and go to drown in order to be resurrected with full health (and the main result of a prolonged hunger in Minecraft is half a heart not regenerating instead of ten). So it’s much more important to focus on collecting resources that can be used for crafting. After all, the better your tools and weapons the more effectively you can multiply your supplies and fight off the enemies.

Yes, about that. You will be threatened not only by wolves and bears that won’t touch you unless you wander into their territory. At night, these lands become a real nightmare. Dozens of heinous creatures crawl out of their hidings and start roaming the area. They can knock on your door too, and it won’t be a friendly knock. So one of the first things you need to take care of is build a sturdy home where you can feel safe and restore your energy in a comfy bed.

Like everything else here, houses and all the stuff inside them are made of blocks. You just have to bring up the needed amount of wood and stone – and your dwelling is ready. Over time, you can turn it into a real fort that will be almost impenetrable for the vile beasts. And then you can indulge in what really warms the heart of every Minecraft player – wandering, exploring, fighting, looking for treasures and experimenting with the new ingredients on your workbench. As you can see, Minecraft hosts plenty of possibilities for a great pastime. Shall we begin?

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